- Do you have the feeling you have something special
to do on Earth - Are you seeking for answers about the story of the Humanity and Spirituality?
- Do you feel that this is time to understand who you
are is now? Like an urgency? - Do you feel it’s time to explore the purpose of your incarnation on Earth?
Do you feel you are here to give some messages to
the humans ? To support, coach, or heal others with
your skills but you are not sure where to begin? - Do you want to understand a specific spiritual
experience you had? - Are you eager to know more about your past and
parallel lives on Earth and to understand your multidimensionality?
Sept. 2024 – Max is a highly spiritual individual but was struggling with overthinking and had not yet forgiven his father. Although he possessed spiritual abilities, they were blocked due to deeply rooted conditioning related to his father, preventing him from fully unfolding his gifts. I worked with Max using Life Coaching, Energetic Healing & Activation, and Spiritual Regressive Hypnosis. This is what Max shared after our work together:
Dear Pauline,
„This experience felt like a journey through the looking glass, allowing me to step beyond the world of appearances and dive deep within myself, reaching unconscious thoughts that shaped me into someone I was not. Unfortunately, I lacked the ability to travel into the invisible world, and though I knew this was a limiting belief, I struggled to feel fully. I believe we all have different abilities that enable us to play a specific role, just as our cells and organs function for the greater good. Initially, I was hesitant to enter a state of hypnosis, which was frustrating. However, after we worked on the conscious level through Life Coaching, we had a very special session where Pauline combined Energetic Work, Chanelling and Spiritual Regressive Hypnosis. During this session, with the help of Pauline Iris, I was able to let go, and I experienced a profound moment (with my father). It was a beautiful encounter with a being filled with good intentions, aiming to elevate consciousness (even if on Earth we had a very complicated relationship). When the tears flowed, I knew I had forgiven him, giving myself the greatest gift: letting go of my beliefs and allowing myself to be who I truly am, including my spiritual abilities (I am working with quantum physics).
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.“
With all my love,
1- Book an Initial Clarity Call:
In a free 20-minute session,
we’ll discuss your goals —what you wish
to learn, heal, and experience.
2 – If we decide to move forward together, I typically recommend a comprehensive 4-month program.
This includes a combination of a reading, life
coaching, spiritual regressive hypnosis, energetic
healing, and energetic activation.
3 – Shorter Option: For those preferring a shorter
I offer a 60-minute reading, and the cost of this
session will be deducted from the full 4-month
program if you choose to continue.
The methods used are: Channelling, Tarot
& Numerology